Academic Integrity

An integral part of the mission of Walla Walla University is to prepare its students to be responsible individuals with Christian values. The College expects all members of its community to have integrity, including a steadfast adherence to honesty. Faculty have a responsibility to foster integrity by example and instruction. Students have a responsibility to learn, respect, and practice integrity.

All acts of dishonesty are unacceptable, including cheating, plagiarism, forgery, misrepresentation, falsification, prohibited collaboration, and prohibited use of files. Departments or schools may have specific criteria for behavior and skills suitable to their disciplines which will be communicated to students, typically in course syllabi.

Computer Science Department Addendum All submitted work should be the student's own work. Where there is a deviation from this ideal, the source of ideas and assistance must be properly credited including fellow students, teachers, and reference material. Academic dishonesty may result in course failure and notice will be given to the Academic Administration of the college.

Responsible Computing

Computer users

  • may log in only to their own computer accounts.
  • must insure that their work does not interfere with others.
  • may not examine, copy, modify, or delete files belonging to others without their consent.
  • must not waste computer resources.
  • must not use WWU computer facilities to gain unauthorized access to remote networks or systems or violate the use policies of any remote system.
  • Computer Science Department Addendum Use of the Computer Science Department computing environment is governed by the CS Department Computer User Policies and Procedures

See also the Policies for Responsible Computing at Walla Walla University

Software Engineering Code of Ethics


If you have a physical or learning disability and need accommodations please contact Sue Huett in the Teaching Learning Center, Village Hall, or call 2366. Accommodations for documented disabilities are arranged through the Disability Support Services (DSS) office. This syllabus and course materials are available in alternate format as appropriate to the disability. Accommodations are not retroactive. If you do not declare the disability to the DSS office, you may not receive appropriate accommodations.

Final Exam

All students are expected to take the final exam as scheduled. Special administrations are arranged by petition to the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration three weeks prior to the close of the quarter. See the Walla Walla University class schedule for date and time.

Study Hints

  • Ask questions in class (you are paying for it).
  • At the first sign of difficulty, talk to your teacher.
  • Form a study group and meet regularly.
  • Construct chapter summaries noting concepts, definitions, & algorithms.
  • Keep a course/project/lab journal dating and summarizing all ideas, all design decisions, all code modifications, and all problems encountered and the solutions found. The journal should be complete enough to allow someone else to reproduce your sequence of activities.