News from the Department of Humanities

There’s lots happening in the Department of Humanities!

Read our latest news stories.

Acclaimed author and pastor Karl Haffner to speak for 2019 commencement

A WWU student shares one story of hope springing up amid heartache in Paradise, California

Stanford University professor Sam Wineburg to address intelligence in the digital age for WWU Distinguished Scholar Lecture

Lamberton recognized for commitment to service in the Walla Walla Valley

“Equality on Trial: Race, Fairness, and the U.S. Supreme Court” subject of CommUnity presentation

Dodds presents plenary lecture at international conference

WWU Peacemaking Week highlights MLK, civil rights, and civil discourse

Poetry reading to feature recently published works by WWU alumna Carrie Ayagaduk Ojanen

Philosophy professor named to statewide speakers bureau

Students gather to watch livestream of congressional debate between Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Lisa Brown