ICantori of Walla Walla University went on tour over President’s Day weekend. The select choir, made up of 32 students, traveled across Washington and Idaho performing in churches and schools.
On Feb. 18, the choir loaded up the tour bus and made their way to Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. There, they sang for and with the GU Concert Choir. Both choirs took turns performing for each other and cheering one another on. To conclude their time together, ICantori joined the GU Concert Choir in their song “Good Trouble” by Thomas Keesecher.
ICantori member Macy Moon, junior English and secondary education major, said about the GU Concert Choir, “At first I was intimidated, they have significantly more people in their choir than we do, but they were so encouraging and welcoming.” She said, for her, singing alongside them was the highlight of the tour.
After leaving Gonzaga University, ICantori performed for Upper Columbia Academy’s vespers service.
On Sabbath, ICantori sang for the Coeur d'Alene Seventh-day Adventist Church. Afterwards, they headed back to Spokane and sang for the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes’ Mass. The ICantori choir had sung for the cathedral in the past and were excited to be asked back.
Moon expressed how much she enjoyed her first ICantori tour. She said, “I can’t remember the last school trip I took that actually made me forget I am in school. It was so nice, as someone who is very academically minded, to have that complete relief.”
She loves singing with her ICantori friends saying, “I think that we’ve all become incredibly close. A couple of my friends and I call ICantori the spice in our life. Spending my lunch hour practicing and weekends performing is worth it just to spend time with these people.”
To learn more about how to get involved in music at WWU, visit wallawalla.edu/music.
Posted on March 21, 2022