Guide to Service: Prepare

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The final step of the pre-service journey for you as an outgoing student missionary involves training and preparation. Every student missionary is required to take the Cross-Cultural Ministry class whether on WWU’s campus or online. You also will need to attend the Outgoing SM Orientation Retreat, as well as several teacher training sessions and other opportunities to learn more about your duties as a student missionary. These also provide priceless opportunities for you to grow closer to the other SMs you will be serving with.

Cross-Cultural Ministry class or online Passport to Missions course
Each SM is required to take the Cross-Cultural Ministry class that is offered during spring quarter (RELM 233). This is a great opportunity not only for general religion credit but also to meet other outgoing SMs and grow in your ability to engage in culturally competent mission service. If you are unable to take this class, you may enroll in a free online Passport to Missions course. Please email us your certificate of completion if you choose this option.

Outgoing SM Retreat
In May we hold the annual Outgoing SM Orientation Retreat, a weekend where all those preparing to go out as student missionaries can meet, worship, and learn about what is to come. This weekend includes question-and-answer sessions, location-focused workshops, and time to talk to returned SMs. The Outgoing Retreat is a very valuable opportunity to get all your questions answered. It is one of the requirements for your SM scholarship that you will receive upon completion of your service.

SM vespers
In May we also have an Outgoing SM Dedication Vespers and reception that takes place during the usual vespers time. This is a special vespers aimed at consecrating your time of service and sending you out with the support of WWU, your friends, and families. Now is the time to mark your calendars and invite your parents. They won’t want to miss this.

Teacher orientation
For those who have accepted calls that include teaching duties, we strongly encourage you to enroll in the free Student Missionary Training for teachers on Adventist Learning Community. You may also want to talk with professors in the School of Education for advice or resources.