University news


Davis shares how lives are being transformed in the Navajo Nation

Doug Taylor receives recognition for community service

Graduate student partners with Hope Channel and WWU School of Theology on video series about Jesus

Jackson research on hot spring drainage published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Social work students to support community at new mental health clinic in Walla Walla

ASWWU Outdoors offers guided trips and gear to connect with God’s creation

Design by WWU art major selected for display in College Place

New center provides enhanced support for 21st century learning

Walla Walla University Church hosts coronavirus vaccination clinic in partnership with Providence and county health department

WWU holds virtual events during MLK Peacemaking Week

Library resources evolve to meet student needs during pandemic

Education majors experience unique learning environments while student teaching during COVID-19

WWU nursing students and faculty receive COVID-19 vaccine

Tilstra speaks at End It Now virtual summit on abuse