University news


Navajo leader to discuss Discovery Doctrine at Walla Walla University event

Worship service to feature French and Dutch composers on the pipe organ, classical guitar, and the spoken word

A new study and entertainment room has been developed in Sittner Hall

Biology professor David Cowles dons waders each fall to hike up the streams of the Umatilla National Forest looking for bull trout

Engineering students create solutions to real-world problems


Rachel Riffel shares the power of reflecting Christ’s character in the classroom


Ronald Rand to perform solo play about award-winning Broadway director Harold Clurman

Scott to perform works by Bach, Hindemith, Cook, and Hakim

Archer reports on survey of special education services in "The Journal of Adventist Education"

School of Social Work to incorporate training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy


Physical education professor conducts lifeguard certification classes at Camp MiVoden

Summer session students gather for worship programs during the summer

Linda Felipez has art featured in Latino art exhibition at Queens University of Charlotte.

University library begins to add more study space