Adding Buttons
To add the button list as seen on academic homepages:
First click on 'Content' under the 'Side Content' section.

Under the 'Special elements' tab, select 'Plain HTML.'

Insert the HTML as seen below:
<p class="tw-mb-2"><a class="content-button-primary-light tw-block" href="">Apply</a></p> <p class="tw-mb-2"><a class="content-button-secondary-light tw-block" href="/?id=3399">Request more info</a></p> <p class="tw-mb-2"><a class="content-button-secondary-light tw-block" href="/visit">Visit</a></p> <p class="tw-mb-2"><a class="content-button-secondary-light tw-block" href="/?id=1351">Tuition</a></p> <p class="tw-mb-2"><a class="content-button-secondary-light tw-block" href="/?id=1195">Scholarships</a></p

For Light Backgrounds:
Making sure the "primary-light" or "secondary-light" have been changed accordingly.
Primary: <a class="content-button-primary-light tw-inline-block" Secondary: <a class="content-button-secondary-light tw-inline-block"

For Dark Backgrounds:
Making sure the "primary-light" or "secondary-light" have been changed accordingly.
Primary: <a class="content-button-primary-dark tw-inline-block" Secondary: <a class="content-button-secondary-dark tw-inline-block"

For buttons to span its container and not the page:
Use "block instead of "inline-block"
<p><a class="content-button-primary-light tw-block" If you want to stack buttons on top of each other you can add mb-2 to the <p> tag. You can experiment with other numbers other than two. <p class="tw-mb-2"></p>