Seniors Score Exceptionally High on the Major Field Test
What is the Major Field Test (MFT)?
The MFT is a comprehensive exit exam over all core areas in business, including accounting, economics, finance, information systems, international business, law, management, marketing, and quantitative analysis. The test is administrated by the Education Testing Service, the same organization that administers the GRE exam.
Who takes the MFT?
All WWU business seniors sit for the test as part of their degree requirements. In recent years, nearly 140,000 business seniors at 532 business schools took the MFT. This list includes elite business programs, state schools, and many sister SDA schools.
How do WWU seniors perform on the MFT?
Our seniors are clearly learning business concepts exceptionally well. On average over the last decade, they have outperformed seniors at nine-out-ten other business schools (92nd percentile). In 2020, they scored at the 99th percentile, which put us among the top few business programs in the nation.
Why do you think WWU students do so well?
We believe these stellar results reflect the quality of our students and our program. We are fortunate to have a strong curriculum, dedicated professors, and awesome students!