The door hanger die (AccuCut D1060LC) can be used for signs, advertisements, reminders, and decorations.
You can print messages and then cut them out. To get two hangers from one sheet of paper, use the column feature in your word processor. Adjust the side margins to a narrow setting. Adjust the two margins down the middle of the page to match the side margins. Print your message in both columns. Fold the printout down the middle and lay over the die and cut.
Print memory verses and cut them out as door hangers. Students may decorate their door hangers and hang them where they will see them every day.
For fun, you may alter the door knob hole by cutting over it with another small die.
A small book with peek-a-boo pages can be made by folding the die cuts in half. Tape the slit together or seal it with a sticker or small die. Write riddles on the pages and have the child guess what is partially showing in the hole.
To make some doughnuts, place folded pieces of paper over the handle area, away from the slit. Cut, flip paper and cut again. Add some frosting and sprinkles, if desired.
Use those left over circles to make some colorful dominoes. The background can also be cut from the door hanger die. Use a piece of folded paper. Hint: measure five inches on each side of the rectangle and make a small mark with some white out. This will help keep the fold perpendicular to the cut edges.
You can cut out post card blanks. Students can draw a picture on one side and write a message to mail to someone on the other side. Or, they can create post cards for a state or country they are studying. The reverse side can tell about the picture and additional information can be in the message.