Student Deferments

WWU Students Needing Student Deferments On Their Loans: 

WWU Academic Records Office reports all enrolled students to the National Student Clearinghouse.  Students are coded full-time, half-time, or less than half-time.

If a graduate student is involved in research, thesis or teaching-assistantship and is taking fewer than four credit hours during the quarter, the department chair needs to write a letter to the Academic Records Office.  The letter needs to verify the student is involved in one of the approved exceptions and confirms the student is making satisfactory academic progress.  The student then has two options for having their enrollment reported:

  1. The student can provide the Academic Records Office with the name(s) of their lender(s).  The Academic Records Office will notify the lender of their school deferment.
  2. The Academic Records Office can manually report the enrollment to the Clearinghouse.  The lenders will receive the information from the Clearinghouse.

Student Missionary/Task Force students enrolled for 12 Experiential Credit hours will be reported as full-time students.  Not all Student Missionary/Task Force students are eligible to enroll for Experiential Credit (see Experiential Program).

Co-op students may enroll for 6 Experiential Credit hours.  These students are reported as half-time students.

Former WWU Students Needing Student Deferments on Their WWU INST, Perkins, or NSL Loans because They are Enrolled at Another Institution:

If you are a former WWU and you are attending another institution, then please have your school send us an enrollment verification letter on their letterhead telling us when you started your enrollment at that institution and for how long you are currently enrolled. Student Deferments are given out in 6-month periods with 6 months of Grace, so every year you will need to have your institution send us a new letter.

Other Institutions can send us enrollment verification letters at If you have any questions about this process you can email or call us at 509-527-2333.