Generosity TV Show
Generosity is a docuseries created in collaboration with The Center for Media Ministry and the Center for Humanitarian Engagement at Walla Walla University. This family show was made for Blue Mountain Broadcast Television.
We believe generosity is a lifestyle, and it doesn’t take much to serve others. We find people who make giving a habit in their lives and discover what it is that motivates them to lend a helping hand in their neighborhoods. Not only do we share the stories of volunteers who donate their time and labor, but we also talk to those being served and witness the positive impact it makes in their lives. Our goal is to show that you don’t need to sign a thousand dollar check to help others; the simple things matter just as much.
Here are some links to start making generosity a part of your daily life: Blue Mountain Volunteer Corps, Center For Humanitarian Engagement
Episode 1
On the first episode of Generosity, A women's home needs painted before her insurance runs out, work needs done to help kids ride horses for therapy, and the Blue Mountain Studios gets painted. Brought to you by Walla Walla University.