Free Tuition Request Forms

Regular Full-time Employees and/or Spouse /also Retirees

Helpful hints for registration

  • Please complete the free tuition request form. Reminder, employee must sign and date
  • Scan a PDF copy to
  • Josette will approve and email form to Academic Records 
  • Students should follow-up with Academic Records with any questions and to confirm completion

Free Tuition Request Form (FT)
Policy FT Employees
Policy Spouse of FT Employee
Policy Retiree and Spouse

Regular Part-time Employees

Helpful hints for registration

  • Please complete the free tuition request form, print and employee signature and date
  • Take form to Human Resources for their signature or email to
  • HR will make a copy for you to take to the Records Office for registration

Free Tuition Request Form 
Policy PT Employees


K-12 Instructors Supervising WWU Student Teachers

Helpful hints for registration

  • Please complete the free tuition request form, print, sign and date
  • Take form to the Education Department for their approval
  • Education department will make a copy for you to take to Academic Records for registration
  • Education department will scan or fax a copy to HR, or email to, for financial clearance

Free Tuition Request Form (K-12)
Policy (K-12)

Instructors Supervising WWU Social Work Field Practicum Students

Helpful hints for registration

  • Please complete the free tuition request form, print, sign and date
  • Take form to the Social Work Department for their approval
  • Social Work department will make a copy for you to take to Academic Records for registration
  • Social Work department will scan or fax a copy to HR, email to, for financial clearance.

Free Tuition Request Form (Social Work)
Policy (Social Work)