Hazardous Waste

When a product no longer serves its intended use it becomes waste. The following waste is not to be treated as general garbage:

  • Computer monitors

  • Fluorescent light tubes (green-tipped tubes may be disposed of as garbage)

  • Paint (liquid state, if more than just residue remains)

  • Rechargeable batteries

  • Thermostats

  • White-out correction fluid (liquid state, if more than just residue remains)

"P" List and "U" List

The chemicals on the "P" and "U" list, in their concentrated form are extremely hazardous waste, according to the Department of Ecology. If the waste has only one ingredient and that compound is on the "P" list, then the waste is dangerous waste. Do not stockpile quantities of these chemicals, as disposal is expensive. If the waste you have contains a chemical from the "P" or "U" list, contact the Chemical Hygiene Officer at ext 2148 to determine the toxicity level.

Printable P & U Lists

"F" List and "K" List

Each code refers to waste from a specific source. Of the waste streams on these lists, most are the result of a manufacturing process. It is possible for the University to have a few of these waste streams. Please take 5 to 30 minutes to review these dangerous waste codes.

Printable F List
Printable K List