Annual Scholarships

Patricia Ann Docherty Ackerman Memorial Scholarship
Patricia Ann Docherty graduated in 1968 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Home Economics from Walla Walla University. In her Junior year at WWU she met her future husband Paul Ackerman through mutual friends and in 1970 they married in Carlsbad, California, after he had served in the US Army.
Walla Walla University held a special memory for Patricia. Her mother Ilda (Carpenter) Docherty graduated in 1936 with a normal diploma and taught in the Seventh-Day Adventist school system for over 20 years in between raising two daughters. Ilda and her husband Lachlan were determined that Patricia obtain a college education at WWU, which she achieved.
After graduation, Patricia taught Home Economics at the Moses Lake Job Corps Center for Women (1968-1969), Puget Sound Adventist Academy in Kirkland, Washington (1969-1970), and lastly, she taught at Sacramento Adventist Academy in Carmichael, California ( 1971-197 4) while her husband attended California State University.
In 1975 Patricia and Paul moved to the Seattle area where she completed the Career Accounting curriculum at Griffin Business College and subsequently attained her Certified Public Accountant accreditation. During her 30 years as a CPA she managed, partnered with, and eventually owned her own CPA firm, Ackerman & Associates, with as many as twenty employees.
Following retirement in 2012, Patricia and Paul moved to Medford, Oregon, where they enjoyed the area together for the next eleven years. After 52 years of marriage, Patricia passed away on 4 January 2023. The Patricia Ann Docherty Ackerman Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established by Paul Ackerman in memory of his dear and loving wife.

Louise Bowden Allen Memorial Theology Scholarship
Louise Bowden Allen was born in 1909 in Victor, Colo. She graduated from Victor High School and completed nurse’s training at the University of Colorado in Denver. In 1930 she became the first nurse anesthetist in the state of Colorado. In 1939 she was severely burned protecting a patient when equipment malfunctioned. Told she would never walk again, she courageously forced herself to fully regain the use of her legs.
In 1947 she gave up her career to provide a stable home for her niece, Ione Allen Brunt ’74, and nephew, Robert Allen. She and her husband, Carl, moved to Phoenix, Ariz., to be near her sisters Mary Marker and Alice Bowden. She lived out the remainder of her life as loving sister, mother, and grandmother.
In an era when women seldom set their priorities on a career, she excelled as a nurse anesthetist, a profession considered an advanced practice nursing specialty today. She gave this up to be a mother to a niece and nephew who became the children she could never have. In her later years she faithfully cared for her husband of 36 years until he passed away in 1975.
She was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Denver and a member of the Golden Sheaf Chapter of the Eastern Star. Her hobbies included reading, fishing, crocheting, knitting, cross stitching, and baseball. She kept track of the Atlanta Braves each season until the end of her life. She passed away in May 1988.
This scholarship is given in honor of Louise Bowden Allen by Ione and John Brunt.
“She was my mother, not by blood relationship, but because she taught me love, courage, determination, and caring as no one else ever did.” –Ione Brunt

Joanne Carlisle Memorial Scholarship
The friends and family of Joanne Carlisle established this scholarship. She was a much-loved elementary and high school teacher. She taught in California, Colorado, Idaho, and Oregon for a total of 36 years.
In addition to two nieces, a nephew, cousins, and a sister-in-law, her “family” consisted of close friends, the students that she taught, and their parents. Joanne was active in the classroom within two weeks of losing her battle with cancer at the age of 59.
This scholarship was established at her request to provide $1,000 or more a year to a student that attended Tualatin Valley Junior Academy, the last school where she taught.
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”–Anatole Frances

George Caviness Modern Languages Scholarship
Knowing a second language helps one understand the world better,” says George
Caviness, an educator who is equally comfortable speaking English, German, and French. He has taught these languages as well as New Testament Greek and ecclesiastical Latin, and has studied biblical Hebrew.
Caviness was born in 1915 at the Seventh-day Adventist Washington Sanitarium and Hospital. His grandmother died just a few moments after he was born. She was in the same hospital and was able to hold him briefly before her death.
Before he started school, his family moved from their Washington, D.C., home to Switzerland. They soon moved again to Collonges-sous-Saleve in France where Caviness started first grade in a French-speaking school. The family later moved to Berne, Switzerland, and he continued his elementary and secondary education in the German language. In 1932 his family moved back to the United States and Caviness received a bachelor’s degree with a major in languages from Pacific Union College in 1937, a master’s degree from the University of California at Berkley in 1939, and a doctorate (University Scholar) from Ohio State University in 1945.
In addition to being chairman of the modern languages department at Walla Walla University from 1971 to 1981, Caviness served as a teacher and a registrar for Atlantic Union College, a teacher for Pacific Union College, an affiliation officer at Avondale College, an academic dean at Union College, and as president of Newbold College. Caviness is listed in the 17th edition of Who’s Who in Education.
Caviness died in 2003. His wife, Goldie, lives in Hendersonville, Tenn.
“Love in any language, straight from the heart, pulls us all together, never apart. Once we learn to speak it all the world will hear love in any language fluently spoken here.”–Sandi Patti
Miriam Chang Employment Recognition Award
Miriam Chang ’78 remembers what it’s like to be cleaning the residence hall at 10 p.m. when everyone else is out socializing. She considered herself a financially average student who had to work to get through school and wants to do something for others who also have to work. That is why she gives to the Outstanding Employment Recognition Awards.
After finishing a chemistry major at Walla Walla University, Chang went to the University of Hawaii where she received a medical degree in 1982. It was there that she realized the advantages of a Christian education. “It’s harder to stand up for one’s beliefs on a secular campus,” says Chang, “and now that I’ve graduated and have seen the quality of professionals coming out of private universities, I really am convinced that Adventist education is better,” she says.
At WWU Chang sang in a touring group and was a member of the International Club.
Chang is a primary care physician in Kahuku, Hawaii.
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might …”–Ecclesiastes 10:7

Ilda M and Lachlan Docherty Annual Student Aid Scholarship Fund
The Ilda M. and Lachlan Docherty Annual Student Aid Scholarship Fund is established by Paul and Patricia Ackerman in memory of Patricia's parents.
Ilda M. (Carpenter) Docherty graduated from Walla Walla University in 1936 with a normal diploma. She taught elementary school for over 20 years in between raising their two daughters.
Lachlan Docherty was a timber faller and heavy equipment operator for over 40 years. Eventually, his love of figured woods led him to the business of supplying high quality wood used in the making of musical instruments, clocks and furniture.
Lachlan and Ilda were determined that their daughters obtain a college education, which they achieved. Both daughters attended Walla Walla University with the older graduating from Loma Linda University and the younger from Walla Walla University.

Alvina Grusensky-roberts Memorial Scholarship
Alvina Gruzensky was born in Grassy Butte, N.D., in 1919. She received her elementary education in a one-room country school, then attended and graduated from Sheyenne River Academy in Harvey, N.D.
She attended Walla Walla University and worked in the business office, graduating in 1945 with a major in secretarial science, and minors in English, home economics, and business administration. Gruzensky-Roberts worked as a secretary in the offices of the Upper Columbia Conference and the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
In 1946 she married Bruce Roberts. After some additional training at the seminary, they worked for three years in the British Columbia Conference, then accepted a call to mission service in Nigeria in 1954. Their final term of service was cut short in 1965 when Alvina died in an automobile accident in Nigeria.
Gruzensky-Roberts's dedication to excellence, her love and respect for others, and her encouragement to those in need were an inspiration to all who knew her. This scholarship was established by Paul and Dolores Gruzensky to commemorate Gruzensky-Robert’s life of unselfish service.
"Acts of generosity and benevolence were designed by God to keep the hearts of the children of men tender and sympathetic, and to encourage in them an interest and affection for one another, in imitation of the Master, who for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might be made rich." -Ellen G. White

Henderso Spanish Language Scholarship
Every year, five to 10 Walla Walla University students live the Spanish language and culture through the Adventist Colleges Abroad program (ACA). Through ACA, WWU students attend Colegio Adventista de Sagunto in Spain and earn up to 45 credits toward their WWU degree. Students choose from subjects in language, literature, religion, history, and culture. All classes are taught in Spanish, and most students return truly bilingual.
The Henderson Scholarship assists two or three students each year in benefiting from the opportunities presented by the ACA program. It is the goal of the WWU modern language department to produce truly bilingual majors. Spending a year in the country where the language is spoken is the surest way of achieving this goal.
WWU faculty members Robert and Solange Henderson established the scholarship fund in 1975. They are now retired and living in Walla Walla.
“Wherever our life touches yours, we help or hinder …wherever your life touches ours, you make us stronger or weaker …There is no escape—man drags man down or man lifts man up.”–Booker T. Washington

Ansdrew Stafford Holt Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Stafford Holt was born in 1972. He graduated from Walla Walla University in 1995 with degrees in business administration and German. Andrew was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia shortly after his graduation and died as a result in 1996. At the time of his death Andrew was enrolled in the Willamette University School of Law in Salem, Ore. His career goal was to become an attorney and practice in the area of international law.
Andrew had a keen interest in travel and a facility for learning languages. During his first year at WWU he studied German. The next year he developed his language skills while studying in Austria at Schloss Bogenhofen through the Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) program. Returning to WWU for the 1992-93 academic year, he studied French and spent the following year at Collonges, France, with the ACA program. He became fluent in both French and German and greatly enjoyed traveling in Europe. He was working in Geneva, Switzerland, following graduation when he became ill with leukemia.
Andrew also loved music and played the piano and guitar. His musical tastes ranged from classical to big band to rock. He had a quiet sense of humor. Andrew died before he could accomplish many of his dreams and goals, but he also experienced a great deal in the years he had.
The Andrew Stafford Holt Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students attending school in Bogenhofen, Austria, or Collonges, France, through the ACA program.
“Education is a social process …Education is a growth …Education is, not a preparation for life; Education is life itself.”–John Dewey
Lindgren Foundation History Scholarships
The Lindgren Foundation was founded by Clarence “Spizz” and Rubie Lindgren. The Foundation is dedicated to Adventist education and makes grants to offer students opportunities which would otherwise be unattainable.
Mrs. Lindgren passed away in 1992 and Dr. Lindgren passed away in 2001. Their foundation continues to thrive under the administration of their sons, Eric ’65 and Paul ’66.
Paul Lindgren graduated from WWU with a degree in history. While the majority of his career has been spent in business, Paul still maintains a keen interest in history and occasionally sits in on history classes when his work takes him near colleges or universities. He is particularly interested in business and economic history, the growth of capitalism, and the industrial “robber baron.”
In 1995 the Foundation established the Lindgren Foundation History Scholarships. The Outstanding History Graduate Award is given to the most promising graduate in the department and is used to help defray the expenses of graduate school. The Junior Summer Term Award provides two students with the opportunity to study at a major institution of their choice in North America or Europe to supplement their WWU courses. A Young Historian Award is given to a promising sophomore student to encourage him or her to continue studies in the discipline. In addition, funds are made available for student research and library acquisitions. One of the major goals of the Lindgren Foundation History Scholarships is to build on the library and collection of documents currently located in the Hutto-Patterson Historical Research Center.
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.”–Anatole France

The Dr. Jamie Losley Supporting Ministry Scholarship and the Walt Meske Spiritual Leadership Scholarship
In 2004, the Spiritual Life and Mission department, with the assistance of the Chan Shun Sabbath School Class, created two scholarships to honor students in spiritual leadership roles on campus. The continual provision of these scholarships is a result of continued financial support from the Chan Shun Sabbath School Class and community donors who value spiritual leadership on the Walla Walla University campus.
The first scholarship was created in honor of Dr. Jimmie Losey, a man who was dedicated in his support of student ministries on the Walla Walla University campus. He gave generously of his resources and his time to benefit Student Missions, Campus Ministries and individual students. This scholarship seeks to honor him by recognizing students who actively support and minister to others on this campus in ways that might not gain them public recognition.
The second scholarship was created in honor of Walt Meske for his active role of spiritual leadership in the Walla Walla community. Students who receive this scholarship are active leaders in Campus Ministries who dedicate much time and effort to inspiring and serving others in a public role.
“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me." -John 12:26 (NIV)

Maurice and Ann Mitchell Civil Engineering Scholarship
Maurice E. “Mitch” Mitchell was born in Yakima, Wash., in 1932. He spent many of his boyhood summers working on his family’s small fruit farm and with his father in construction.
Mitch graduated from Auburn Adventist Academy in 1950 and enrolled at Walla Walla University. He spent three years at WWU and changed his major three times, finally settling on civil engineering. Before graduating he joined the army and moved to San Antonio, Texas.
He spent two years at the Fort Sam Houston army base in training to be an orthopedic technician. His training taught him to put casts on broken limbs and to build braces and artificial limbs for veterans returning from Korea. Mitch also served a tour of duty in Japan with the 508th Airborne Regimental Combat Team.
Upon discharge from the army he returned to WWU in the fall of 1956 and resumed civil engineering studies. A year later he married Ann Fletcher of Yakima, Wash. After Mitch’s graduation in 1959, the couple moved to California with their four-month-old son, Mike, where Mitch began working for Contra Costa County as a junior engineer. In 1961 they had their second child, Catherine.
After 34 years of service with Contra Costa County, Mitch retired from his position as Deputy Public Works Director. During his tenure he worked in each phase of engineering covered by the Public Works Department.
Mitch and Ann reside in Concord, Calif. They enjoy spending time with their grandchildren, golfing, and working with a senior citizen’s group.
This scholarship is awarded to civil engineering students.
“Those who work for the Lord know that the pay isn’t much, but the retirement plan is out of this world.”–Unknown
Mosher-Patchett Charitable Foundation Scholarship
The Mosher-Patchett Charitable Foundation was created in 1993 to be a part of the overall charitable giving of Greg Mosher and Peggy Patchett.
The grantors have a long history of donating to educational and religious organizations. The Foundation was created to establish funds in perpetuity to ensure continued support.
Greg Mosher, M.D., graduated from Cal State Fullerton in 1984. He received his medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 1988. He then received specialized training in anesthesiology at Loma Linda University. Dr. Mosher passed away in 2002.
Peggy Patchett, M.D., followed in her family’s tradition by attending Walla Walla University during the years 1981 through 1983. She then attended medical school at Loma Linda University, graduating in 1987. Dr. Patchett has worked, on a relief basis, at mission hospitals in Africa, Malaysia, and Mexico.
After completing their residencies in anesthesiology at Loma Linda University, Dr. Patchett and Dr. Mosher were married. The formation of the foundation is to ensure the continuance of a program of giving and support to educational and religious institutions.
“The highest of distinction is service to others.”–Unknown

Orland Ogden Memorial Scholarship
In a lifetime that spanned the 20th century, Orland Ogden enjoyed unusual success in both music and business. The son of Alfred Ogden, chair of the Walla Walla University Board from 1920 to 1927, Orland spent his formative years in College Place, attending elementary school classes in the college Administration Building. When the family moved to Seattle in his teens, he began a career in music, secretly playing in the city’s theaters beginning at age 14. He became a noted Northwest saxophone performer and, at one point, had a group known as the Ory Ogden Band.
While working as a musician he began selling furniture. This first experience in business led to other ventures including a highly regarded beauty salon school and chain of salons in the Northwest, a farming-related business, and a service that provided furniture and appliances at near wholesale cost to church-related entities. Finally, returning to his first love, he opened Ogden Music Company in Portland at age 76, and ran it until his death in 2002 at age 94. It continues today under his wife’s direction.
Over the years, Orland and his wife, Joan, helped many schools and churches obtain music instruments at substantial discounts. Starting in 1995, they began a special project of donating pianos, organs, and other instruments to the Adventist universities in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. The value of those contributions had reached almost $1 million dollars by the spring of 2003.
Because of their philanthropy, River Platte University named their music building after the Ogdens in 1997. And in 2001 they were given the Global Award in Adventist Education by the SDA General Conference Education Department, the highest award given for achievement in education.
"I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses; And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and he tells me I am his own; and the joy we share as we tarry there, non other has ever known." -C. Austin Miles

Orval Patchett Memorial Modern Language Scholarship
Orval Patchett, M.D., was born to missionary parents in Durban, South Africa. After completing undergraduate studies at La Sierra College (now La Sierra University) he entered the School of Medicine at Loma Linda University, graduating in 1945. He married Dorothy Gould, a 1945 graduate of Walla Walla University and graduate of the Loma Linda University School of Nursing.
Dr. Patchett served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was attached to the Marines during the Korean War. In 1954 he moved to Pasco, Wash., where he worked for the following 25 years as an ophthalmologist. He held certification with the American Board of Otolaryngology and the American Board of Ophthalmology. Dr. Patchett did volunteer medical missionary work in Peru and Belize. For his work to prevent blindness, he was given a lifetime membership in the Lions Club. A strong advocate of Christian education, he served as a charter member of the WWU Committee of 100.
All five of the Patchett children attended WWU. After the father’s death, the family established the Patchett Scholarship Memorial. Administered by the Spanish Department, the fund is established in grateful appreciation for the teaching excellence and caring life of Solange Carvajal Henderson, professor of modern languages at WWU, now retired.
“Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.”–Teresa of Avila

Richard Ross Memorial Academy
Richard Ross was a man of many talents. His diverse skills led to many different areas of work, ranging from hospital orderly to teacher and administrator. He was born in Fairmont, Minn., in 1937. After high school graduation he enlisted in the Air Force and spent the next four years teaching electronics at Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, Colo.
In 1957 he married Beatrice Waterbrook. It was at this time that he began working at Porter Memorial Hospital in Denver as an orderly, later working in grounds, purchasing, and maintenance. While working at the hospital Richard attended classes at a local college.
In 1970 Richard and Bea moved to College Place, Wash. Richard continued his studies and finished an Associate of Arts degree in business at Walla Walla Community College. In 1974 he became director of plant services at Walla Walla General Hospital. This position evolved to include the departments of housekeeping, grounds, biomedical, fire and safety, and linens. Richard held this position until 1993 when he retired due to health problems. He died in 1995. Bea worked at WWU from 1989 until July 2002 when she retired as office manager for the University Health Clinic.
Richard’s dream was to provide a scholarship for students who have to work their way through college and cannot spend the time needed to attain the best grades required for an academic scholarship.
“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust” –Psalm 91:2
Walla Walla Symphony Music Scholarship
The Walla Walla Symphony Society was founded in 1907 and supports the oldest continuous symphony orchestra west of the Mississippi River. The Symphony promotes the tradition of great symphonic music and brings high quality performances to all segments of the community, including children. Its members come from all walks of life to contribute as professional and amateur musicians in creating a full symphonic orchestra. The Symphony also regularly performs and commissions new works by contemporary American composers.
Each year the Walla Walla Symphony Society awards a number of music scholarships to encourage promising musicians and to enhance the musical depth of the orchestra. The scholarship is funded through the James Baker Elliot and Leona Siegel memorial funds and honors the late Walla Walla Symphony conductor William H. Bailey.
This scholarship is awarded to current and prospective members of the symphony.
“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.”–John F. Kennedy