Devoted Employees
Since Walla Walla College opened in 1892, there have been many devoted employees on campus. Both staff and faculty have come to campus and served many hours assisting students in a number of capacities. Below is a list of those faculty and staff who have given 20+ years of their lives to helping shape the next generation. If you have a correction or addition, please email Walla Walla University Archives.
1983 - 2021 | Aamodt, Larry |
1979 - 2021 | Aamodt, Terrie |
1984 - 2007 | Adams, Karen |
2000 - present | Anderson, Duane |
1987 - 2012 | Anderson, Norman |
1999 - 2020 | Anderson, Shirley |
1958 - 1989 | Andrews, Kathryn |
1935 - 1965 | Aplington, Kenneth |
1935 - 1967 | Aplington, Marguerite Shropshire |
1991 - 2022 | Archer, Austin |
1991 - 2022 | Bailey, Cindee |
1984 - 2006 | Bakland, Debra |
1955 - 1970 | Balharrie, Gordon |
1957 - 2000 | Barnett, Claude |
1918-23, 1926-31, 1933-44 | Bauer, John J. Jr |
2000 - present | Beck, Brandon |
1976 - 2015 | Beem, Beverly |
1984 - 1999, 2009 - 2023 | Bell, Michael |
1961 - 1999 | Bennett, Fred |
1987 - 2023 | Bennett, George |
1982 - 2011 | Bigger, Barbara |
1992 - 2022 | Bigger, Darold |
1966 - 2002 | Blake, Chet |
1969 - 2000 | Blaich, Roland |
2004 - present | Bond, Kellie |
1925 - 1955 | Bowers, George Winfield |
2002 - present | Boyd, Jim |
2000 - present | Boyd, Laura |
1947 - 1970 | Brown, Robert H. |
1972 - 2002 | Brunt, John |
1996 - 2018 | Buell, Montgomery |
1976 - 2017 | Bullock, David |
1990 - present | Bungard, Susan |
1957 - 1979 | Burgeson, Ruth E. |
1986 - 2006 | Burghart, Pat |
1973 - 2001 | Bursey, Ernest |
1974 - 2023 | Caldera, Nancy |
2001 - present | Campbell, Roy |
1954 -1979 | Canaday, Lewis H. |
1960 - 1980 | Chambers, James R. |
1982 - 2020 | Cleveland, Nancy |
1973 - 2011 | Cody, Shirley |
1995 - present | Cole, Bryce |
1964 - 2009 | Cole, Jon |
1919 - 1956 | Collins, Ray |
1984 - present | Copsey, Mark |
1995 - present | Cornell, Greg |
1993 - 2013 | Cornelison, Nelle |
2001 - present | Cowles, David |
2000 - 2024 | Coyle, Esther |
2001 - present | Cox, Walter |
2003 - present | Craig, Kyle |
1996 - present | Cress, Pamela |
1981 - 2009 | Cross, Carlton |
1947 - 1979 | Cross, Edward Fulton |
1987 - 2009 | Cross, Nancy |
1967 - 1998 | Czeratzki, Reinhard |
1987- 2014 | Daley, Richard |
2002 - present | Davey, Brooke |
1976 - 20?? | Dawes, Donald |
1991 - 2021 | Denney, Carolyn |
1991 - 2018 | Denney, Marvin |
1962 - 2000 | Dickinson, C. Loren |
2000 - present | Dodds, Gregory |
2001 - present | Drake, Chris |
1997 - 2021 | Dressler, Andrew |
1998 - 2023 | Drury, Doreena |
1966-70, 1974 - 2016 | Duncan, Betty |
2002 - present | Duncan, Jonathan |
2000 - present | Dybdahl, Paul |
2004 - present | Ekkens, Tom |
1975 - 2015 | Emmerson, Tom |
1954 - 1976? | Evans-Thompson, Helen Ward |
1998 - 2022 | Felipez, Linda |
1980 - 2008 | Fisher, Allan |
1981 - 2008 | Fisher, Donna |
1975 - 2002 | Fisher, Garth |
1982 - 2002 | Fisher, Gill |
1981 - 2011 | Forsyth, James |
1988 - present | Frohne, Rob |
1973-88, 1992 - 2015 | Galusha, Joseph |
1971 - 1991, 2016 - 2023 | Gardner, Robert |
1978 - present | Gaskell, Carolyn |
1967 - 1992 | Giarde, June |
1986 - 2019 | Gottschall, Terry |
1978 - 2000 | Greenwalt, Glen |
2000 - 2023 | Grimaud, Jean-Paul |
1964 - 1992 | Gruesbeck, Kenneth |
1992 - 2023 | Grussling, Kevin |
1987 - 2017 | Guldhammer, Kristy |
1996 - 2023 | Habenicht, David |
1980 - 2008 | Hall, Jim |
1972 - 2006 | Hamburgh, Gary |
1996 - 2023 | Hankins, Randi |
1983 - 2003 | Hannum, Jim |
1934-39, 1945-66 | Hanson, Frederick R. |
1958 - 1994 | Hare, Gordon |
1996 - present | Harvey, Paul |
1988 - present | Healy, Carol |
1975 - 2007 | Heisler, Liz |
1970 - 2006 | Heisler, Rodney |
1967 - 2003 | Henderson, Robert |
1973 - 2004 | Henderson, Solange |
1973 - 1994 | Hepker, Dale |
1973 - 2006 | Hepker, Wilma |
2003 - present | Holm, Rob |
1906 - 1941 | Holmden, Winifred Lucille |
1995 - 2023 | Huett, Susan |
1984 - 2015 | Janke, Carolyn |
1999 - present | Jarnes, Gary |
1986 - 2007 | Jenny-Saltmarsh, Mary |
1985 - 2014 | Jimenez, Rosa |
1987 - 2009 | Johanson, Bruce |
1974 - 2001 | Johnson, Gordon |
1989 - 2022 | Jolliffe, Ron |
1983 - 2020 | Kehney, Shirlee |
1970-71, 1979 - 2014 | Klein, James |
1993 - 2014 | Klein, Trudy |
1960 - 1990 | Knapp, Lucile H. |
1962 - 1984 | Koenig, Bill |
1917 - 1950 | Kretschmar, George Gustav |
1987 - 2013 | Krueger, Kevin |
1991 - 2015 | Kruger, Twyla |
1996 - 2022 | Krull, Lucille |
1981 - 2024 | Kuhlman, Curtis |
1981-83, 1987 - 2020 | Lamberton, Daniel |
1968 - 2001 | Lang, Melvin |
1992 - present | Larsen, Shawna |
1983 - 2019 | Lee, Steve |
1994 - 2021 | Lee, Hyong |
1990 - 2020 | Liebrand, Fred |
1989 - 2023 | Ligman, Scott |
1997-present | Lindsey, Carol |
1997-present | Lindsey, David |
1967 - 1987 | Loewen, Maynard Eugene |
1964 - 1989 | Losey, Jimmie D. MD |
1968 - 1989 | Mabley, Elwood |
1984 - 2007 | MacIvor, Karen |
1990 - 2021 | Mackin, Renee |
1961 - 1995 | MacKintosh, Kenneth |
1961 - 1995 | Masden, Glenn |
1993 - 2013 | Mason, Jerry |
1977 - 2020 | Maxted, Glenn |
1990 - present | Maynard-Reid, Pedrito |
1987 - 2010 | McChesney, Marja |
1971 - 1995 | McCloskey, Lawrence |
2001 - 2021 | McFadden, Scott |
1995 - 2021 | McMann, Tammy |
1947 - 1968 | Meckling, Frank E. |
1994 - 2020 | Meharry, Sheila |
1947 - 1978 | Mehling, Jakob George |
1973 - 2013 | Meyer, Verlene |
1991 - present | Miller, Sali |
1991 - 2013 | Mustard, Duncan |
1993 - 2016 | Nash, Sid |
1980-83, 1988 - 2020 | Nelson, Curtis |
2000 - 2024 | Nelson, Terry |
1990 - present | Nestler, Jim |
1978 - 2016 | Nosworthy, Sylvia |
1948 - 1988 | Osborne, Orpha |
2000 - present | Paul, Michaelynn |
2004 - present | Peterson, Delvin |
1913 - 1947 | Peterson, Frank William |
1959 - 2002 | Popplewell, Ruth Hope Lawrence |
1975 - 2020 | Ragenovich, Cassie |
1992 - 2023 | Redd, Joan |
1998 - present | Reeves, Dave |
1977 - 2007 | Richman, Anne |
1984 - 2006 | Richter, Debra (see Bakland, Debra) |
1978 - 2016 | Richter, Leonard |
1958 - 1992 | Rigby, Donald |
1958 - 1992 | Rigby, Donnie Thompson |
1991 - 2018 | Riley, Donald |
1986 - 2010 | Rittenbach, Gail |
1986 - 2019 | Rittenbach, Gary |
1995 - 2020 | Rittenbach, Merle |
1976 - 2007 | Rittenhouse, Robert |
1975-2006, 2012- 2018 | Roemer, Bonnie |
1901 - 1943 | Rogers, Clara Edna |
1980 - 2000 | Scharffenberg (Dixon), Susan C. |
1935 - 1957 | Schluntz, Daisy |
1971-78, 1993 - 2015 | Scott, Bev |
2004 - present | Scott, Christy |
1986 - present | Scott, Kraig |
1989 - present | Semotiuk, Nancy |
1977 - 2011 | Sharon, Nancy |
1971 - 2005 | Shultz, Carolyn |
1979 - 2000 | Shultz, Dan |
1997-2017 | Sih, Samuel |
2000 - 2020 | Silva, Debra |
1982 - 2006 | Simcock, Manford |
1922 - 1944 | Sittner, Herman R. |
1997 - 2023 | Smith, Susan |
1912-30, 1946-55 | Smith, W. I. |
1966 - 2008 | Soper, Ward |
1938 - 1968 | Sorenson, Agnes |
1988 - 2022 | Stirling, Franice |
1988 - 2024 | Stirling, Ralph |
2001 - present | Strobel, Rodd |
1992 - 2012 | Stuart, Eileen |
1978 - 2022 | Taylor, Doug |
2002 - 2024 | Tessier, Dorita |
1986 - 2023 | Tetz, Karen |
2001 - 2021 | Thomas, David |
1970 - 2020 | Thompson, Alden |
1971 - 2013 | Thompson, Tom |
1992 - present | Tiffin, Timothy |
1994 - present | Toews, Bruce |
1953 - 1980 | Trautwein, Calvin |
1974 - 2009 | Troutman, Fred |
2001 - 2024 | Unterseher, Renee |
1977 - 2008 | Veverka, Larry |
1994 - present | Vonderfecht, Heather |
1982 - 2020 | Vories, Jeanne |
1966-67, 1969-88 | Wagner, Dale |
1993 - 2022 | Wagner, Lynn |
1965-80, 1982-94 | Waterbrook, John |
1995 - 2018 | Weis, Dallas |
1967 - 2001 | Whitechurch, Lois |
1965 - 1994 | Wickward, Joyce |
1987 - 2012 | Wiggins, JoAnn |
1968-69, 1980 - 2014 | Wiggins, Ken |
1985 - 2013 | Windemuth, Cheri |
1983 - 2013 | Windemuth, Tim |
1970 - 2002 | Winkle, Myrna |
1946 - 1978 | Winter, Eugene |
1967 - 2011 | Wiss, Gary |
1966 - 1988 | Wood, Clarence |
1976 - 2004 | Wood, Robert |
1988 - 2014 | Wren, Valorie |
1947 - 1979 | Wright, Evelynne |
2000 - present | Yaw, Louie |