Devoted Employees


Since Walla Walla College opened in 1892, there have been many devoted employees on campus.  Both staff and faculty have come to campus and served many hours assisting students in a number of capacities.  Below is a list of those faculty and staff who have given 20+ years of their lives to helping shape the next generation.  If you have a correction or addition, please email Walla Walla University Archives

1983 - 2021Aamodt, Larry
1979 - 2021Aamodt, Terrie
1984 - 2007Adams, Karen 
2000 - presentAnderson, Duane
1987 - 2012Anderson, Norman
1999 - 2020Anderson, Shirley
1958 - 1989Andrews, Kathryn
1935 - 1965Aplington, Kenneth
1935  - 1967Aplington, Marguerite Shropshire
1991 - 2022Archer, Austin
1991 - 2022Bailey, Cindee 
1984 - 2006Bakland, Debra 
1955 - 1970Balharrie, Gordon
1957 - 2000Barnett, Claude
1918-23, 1926-31, 1933-44Bauer, John J. Jr
2000 - presentBeck, Brandon
1976 - 2015Beem, Beverly
1984 - 1999, 2009 - 2023Bell, Michael
1961 - 1999Bennett, Fred
1987 - 2023Bennett, George 
1982 - 2011Bigger, Barbara
1992 - 2022Bigger, Darold
1966 - 2002Blake, Chet
1969 - 2000Blaich, Roland
2004 - presentBond, Kellie
1925  - 1955Bowers, George Winfield
2002 - presentBoyd, Jim
2000 - presentBoyd, Laura
1947 - 1970Brown, Robert H.
1972 - 2002Brunt, John
1996 - 2018Buell, Montgomery
1976 - 2017Bullock, David
1990 - presentBungard, Susan 
1957 - 1979Burgeson, Ruth E.
1986 - 2006Burghart, Pat 
1973 - 2001Bursey, Ernest
1974 - 2023Caldera, Nancy
2001 - presentCampbell, Roy
1954 -1979Canaday, Lewis H.
1960 - 1980Chambers, James R.
1982 - 2020Cleveland, Nancy
1973 - 2011Cody, Shirley
1995 - presentCole, Bryce
1964 - 2009Cole, Jon
1919 - 1956Collins, Ray
1984 - presentCopsey, Mark
1995 - presentCornell, Greg 
1993 - 2013Cornelison, Nelle
2001 - presentCowles, David
2000 - 2024Coyle, Esther
2001 - presentCox, Walter
2003 - presentCraig, Kyle
1996 - presentCress, Pamela
1981 - 2009Cross, Carlton
1947  - 1979Cross, Edward Fulton
1987 - 2009Cross, Nancy
1967 - 1998Czeratzki, Reinhard
1987- 2014Daley, Richard
2002 - presentDavey, Brooke 
1976 - 20??Dawes, Donald
1991 - 2021Denney, Carolyn
1991 - 2018Denney, Marvin
1962 - 2000Dickinson, C. Loren
2000 - presentDodds, Gregory
2001 - presentDrake, Chris
1997 - 2021Dressler, Andrew 
1998 - 2023Drury, Doreena
1966-70, 1974 - 2016Duncan, Betty
2002 - presentDuncan, Jonathan
2000 - presentDybdahl, Paul
2004 - presentEkkens, Tom
1975 - 2015Emmerson, Tom
1954 - 1976?Evans-Thompson, Helen Ward
1998 - 2022Felipez, Linda
1980 - 2008Fisher, Allan
1981 - 2008Fisher, Donna
1975 - 2002Fisher, Garth
1982 - 2002Fisher, Gill
1981 - 2011Forsyth, James
1988 - presentFrohne, Rob
1973-88, 1992 - 2015Galusha, Joseph
1971 - 1991, 2016 - 2023Gardner, Robert
1978 - presentGaskell, Carolyn
1967 - 1992Giarde, June
1986 - 2019Gottschall, Terry
1978 - 2000Greenwalt, Glen
2000 - 2023Grimaud, Jean-Paul
1964 - 1992Gruesbeck, Kenneth
1992 - 2023Grussling, Kevin 
1987 - 2017Guldhammer, Kristy
1996 - 2023Habenicht, David
1980 - 2008Hall, Jim
1972 - 2006Hamburgh, Gary
1996 - 2023Hankins, Randi
1983 - 2003Hannum, Jim
1934-39, 1945-66Hanson, Frederick R.
1958 - 1994Hare, Gordon
1996 - presentHarvey, Paul
1988 - presentHealy, Carol 
1975 - 2007Heisler, Liz 
1970 - 2006Heisler, Rodney
1967 - 2003Henderson, Robert
1973 - 2004Henderson, Solange
1973 - 1994Hepker, Dale
1973 - 2006Hepker, Wilma
2003 - presentHolm, Rob
1906  - 1941Holmden, Winifred Lucille
1995 - 2023Huett, Susan 
1984 - 2015Janke, Carolyn
1999 - presentJarnes, Gary
1986  - 2007Jenny-Saltmarsh, Mary 
1985 - 2014Jimenez, Rosa
1987 - 2009Johanson, Bruce
1974 - 2001Johnson, Gordon
1989 - 2022Jolliffe, Ron
1983 - 2020Kehney, Shirlee 
1970-71, 1979 - 2014Klein, James
1993 - 2014Klein, Trudy
1960 - 1990Knapp, Lucile H.
1962 - 1984Koenig, Bill
1917  - 1950Kretschmar, George Gustav
1987 - 2013Krueger, Kevin
1991 - 2015Kruger, Twyla
1996 - 2022Krull, Lucille
1981 - 2024Kuhlman, Curtis
1981-83, 1987 - 2020Lamberton, Daniel
1968 - 2001Lang, Melvin
1992 - presentLarsen, Shawna 
1983 - 2019Lee, Steve
1994 - 2021Lee, Hyong 
1990 - 2020Liebrand, Fred
1989 - 2023Ligman, Scott
1997-presentLindsey, Carol 
1997-presentLindsey, David 
1967 - 1987Loewen, Maynard Eugene
1964 - 1989Losey, Jimmie D. MD
1968 - 1989Mabley, Elwood
1984 - 2007MacIvor, Karen
1990 - 2021Mackin, Renee 
1961 - 1995MacKintosh, Kenneth
1961 - 1995Masden, Glenn
1993 - 2013Mason, Jerry 
1977 - 2020Maxted, Glenn 
1990  - presentMaynard-Reid, Pedrito
1987 - 2010McChesney, Marja
1971 - 1995McCloskey, Lawrence
2001 - 2021McFadden, Scott
1995 - 2021McMann, Tammy 
1947 - 1968Meckling, Frank E.
1994 - 2020Meharry, Sheila 
1947  - 1978Mehling, Jakob George
1973 - 2013Meyer, Verlene
1991 - presentMiller, Sali 
1991 - 2013Mustard, Duncan 
1993 - 2016Nash, Sid
1980-83, 1988 - 2020Nelson, Curtis
2000 - 2024Nelson, Terry
1990 - presentNestler, Jim
1978 - 2016Nosworthy, Sylvia
1948 - 1988Osborne, Orpha
2000 - presentPaul, Michaelynn
2004 - presentPeterson, Delvin
1913  - 1947Peterson, Frank William
1959  - 2002Popplewell, Ruth Hope Lawrence
1975 - 2020Ragenovich, Cassie
1992 - 2023Redd, Joan 
1998 - presentReeves, Dave
1977 - 2007Richman, Anne
1984 - 2006Richter, Debra (see Bakland, Debra)
1978 - 2016Richter, Leonard
1958 - 1992Rigby, Donald
1958  - 1992Rigby, Donnie Thompson
1991 - 2018Riley, Donald
1986 - 2010Rittenbach, Gail
1986 - 2019Rittenbach, Gary
1995 - 2020Rittenbach, Merle
1976 - 2007Rittenhouse, Robert
1975-2006, 2012- 2018Roemer, Bonnie 
1901  - 1943Rogers, Clara Edna
1980 - 2000Scharffenberg (Dixon), Susan C.
1935 - 1957Schluntz, Daisy
1971-78, 1993 - 2015Scott, Bev 
2004 - presentScott, Christy
1986 - presentScott, Kraig
1989 - presentSemotiuk, Nancy
1977 - 2011Sharon, Nancy 
1971 - 2005Shultz, Carolyn
1979 - 2000Shultz, Dan
1997-2017Sih, Samuel 
2000 - 2020Silva, Debra
1982 - 2006Simcock, Manford
1922 - 1944Sittner, Herman R.
1997 - 2023Smith, Susan 
1912-30, 1946-55Smith, W. I.
1966 - 2008Soper, Ward
1938 - 1968Sorenson, Agnes
1988 - 2022Stirling, Franice 
1988 - 2024Stirling, Ralph
2001 - presentStrobel, Rodd
1992 - 2012Stuart, Eileen 
1978 - 2022Taylor, Doug
2002 - 2024Tessier, Dorita
1986 - 2023Tetz, Karen
2001 - 2021Thomas, David
1970 - 2020Thompson, Alden
1971 - 2013Thompson, Tom
1992 - presentTiffin, Timothy
1994 - presentToews, Bruce 
1953 - 1980Trautwein, Calvin
1974 - 2009Troutman, Fred
2001 - 2024Unterseher, Renee
1977 - 2008Veverka, Larry
1994 - presentVonderfecht, Heather 
1982 - 2020Vories, Jeanne
1966-67, 1969-88Wagner, Dale
1993 - 2022Wagner, Lynn 
1965-80, 1982-94Waterbrook, John
1995 - 2018Weis, Dallas
1967 - 2001Whitechurch, Lois
1965 - 1994Wickward, Joyce
1987 - 2012Wiggins, JoAnn
1968-69, 1980 - 2014Wiggins, Ken
1985 - 2013Windemuth, Cheri 
1983 - 2013Windemuth, Tim
1970 - 2002Winkle, Myrna
1946 - 1978Winter, Eugene
1967 - 2011Wiss, Gary
1966 - 1988Wood, Clarence
1976 - 2004Wood, Robert
1988 - 2014Wren, Valorie 
1947 - 1979Wright, Evelynne
2000 - presentYaw, Louie