Safety at Walla Walla University
Walla Walla University places a high value on the safety of its employees. Each dean, director, chair-person, and supervisor is responsible for their department's safety performance. See the President's Message. Everyone plays a role in the safety of our campus community. The University has developed this program for injury prevention to involve administrators, supervisors, and employees in identifying and eliminating hazards that may develop during our work process.
No task is so important that an employee must violate a safety rule or take a risk of injury or illness in order to get the job done.
Safety is a team effort - Let us all work together to keep Walla Walla University a safe and healthy workplace
Are required to comply with all University safety rules and are encouraged to actively participate in identifying ways to make our University a safer place to work.
- Follow safety rules described in this program, WISHA safety standards and training you receive.
- Always use personal protective equipment (PPE) in good working condition where it is required.
- Do not remove or disable any safety device or safeguard provided for employee protection.
- Encourage co-workers by your words and example to use safe work practices on the job.
- Make suggestions to your supervisor, Risk & Safety Management Committee members, or management about changes you believe will improve employee safety.
- Promptly report all accidents/near misses.
- Report promptly all injuries by submitting an Accident/Near Miss Report regardless of how serious.
- Report promptly all injury near-miss by submitting an Accident/Near Miss Report.
- Report promptly unsafe conditions or actions to your supervisor or Human Resources, by phone or by using the online Report Unsafe Condition form.
Basic safety rules, not limited to but including the following, have been established to help make our University a safe and efficient place to work. These rules are in addition to specific departmental safety rules that must be followed when doing particular jobs or operating certain equipment. Failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action. Employees are expected to use good judgment when doing their work and to follow established safety rules.
- Never do anything that is unsafe in order to get the job done. If a job is unsafe, report it to your supervisor or Risk & Safety Management Committee representative. We will find a safer way to do that job.
- Do not remove or disable any safety device! Keep guards in place at all times on operating machinery.
- Never operate a piece of equipment unless you have been trained and are authorized.
- Use your personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever it is required.
- Obey all safety warning signs.
- Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or using them at work is prohibited.
- Do not bring firearms or explosives onto University property.
- Smoking is not permitted.
- Horseplay, running and fighting are prohibited.
- Clean up spills immediately.
- Replace all tools and supplies after use.
- Do not allow trash or scraps to accumulate where they will become a hazard. Good housekeeping helps prevent injuries.
Are responsible for the safety of their employees and as a part of their duties must check the workplace for unsafe conditions, watch employees for unsafe actions, and take prompt action to eliminate any hazards. Each supervisor must take the initiative to assess for safety needs and train persons under their supervision in safe work practices. In addition, supervisors are expected to promote a safety attitude and awareness that will lead faculty, staff, and students working under their supervision to take a safe course when faced with situation which are not covered by established regulations and practices.
- Insure that each employee you supervise has received an initial orientation before beginning work.
- Document that each employee you supervise is competent or receives training on safe operation of equipment or tasks before starting work on that equipment or project.
- Insure that each employee receives required personal protective equipment (PPE) before starting work on a project requiring PPE.
- Retain documentation of employee training for duration of employment, plus six years.
- Do a walk-around safety-check of the work area. Promptly correct any hazards you find.
- Observe the employees you supervise working. Promptly correct any unsafe behavior, provide training and take corrective action as necessary, and document employee evaluations.
- Set a good example for employees by following safety rules and attending required training.
- Talk to management about changes to work practices or equipment that will improve employee safety.
- Promptly report all accidents/near misses and investigate using the Accident/Near Miss Investigation Report.
- Notify Human Resources of an accident/incident the day an injury occurs by confirming that the employee has completed an Accident/Near Miss Report.
- Complete an Accident/Near Miss Investigation Report for all accidents or near-miss (an incident that did not, but could have resulted in serious injury) under your supervision, within 72 hours.
- Report the death or probable death of any employee, or the in-patient hospitalization of two (2) or more employees within eight (8) hours to Human Resources during regular business hours, or to Campus Security after hours, weekends or holidays.
Whenever there is an incident that results in death or serious injuries that have immediate symptoms, a preliminary investigation will be conducted by the immediate supervisor of the injured person(s), a person designated by management, the Risk & Safety Officer, and any other persons whose expertise would help the investigation.
- The team will take written statements from witnesses, photograph the incident scene and equipment involved.
- They will document the condition of equipment and anything else in the work area that may be relevant.
- They will write up an Investigation Report of their findings. The report will include
- The sequence of events leading up to the incident
- Conclusions about the incident
- Any recommendations to prevent a similar incident in the future.
A Job Hazard Analysis will be done by the supervisor of the job task. Changes to how the job is done will be made, as needed, to eliminate or control any hazards. The supervisor will also check to see if the employee needs to use personal protective equipment (PPE) while doing the job. Employees will be trained in the revised operation and to use any required PPE.
The supervisor is responsible to verify that each employee has received an initial departmental orientation and any training needed to do the job safely and that the employee file documents the training. The Risk & Safety Officer will assist the supervisor with resources for training.
Supervisors will establish safety rules and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements based upon a hazard assessment for each task listed.
Devote the resources necessary to support the Risk & Safety Management Committee, developing a system for identifying and correcting hazards, planning for foreseeable emergencies and providing initial and ongoing training for employees and their supervisors.
- Insure that the Risk & Safety Management Committee and sub-committees are carrying out their responsibilities.
- Insure that sufficient employee time, supervisor support, and funds are budgeted for safety equipment, training and to carry out the safety program.
- Evaluate supervisors each year to make sure they are carrying out their responsibilities.
- Insure that accidents/near misses are fully investigated using the Accident/Near Miss Investigation Report and corrective action taken to prevent the root causes, whether conditional or behavioral, from reoccurring.
- Insure that a record of injuries and illnesses is maintained and posted.
- Set a good example by following established safety rules and attending required training.
- Report unsafe practices or conditions to the supervisor of the area where the hazard was observed online at Report Unsafe Conditions.
Are required to comply with all University safety rules and are encouraged to actively participate in identifying ways to make our University a safer place to work.
- Follow safety rules described in this program, WISHA safety standards and training you receive.
- Always use personal protective equipment (PPE) in good working condition where it is required.
- Do not remove or disable any safety device or safeguard provided for employee protection.
- Encourage co-workers by your words and example to use safe work practices on the job.
- Make suggestions to your supervisor, Risk & Safety Management Committee members, or management about changes you believe will improve employee safety.
- Promptly report all accidents/near misses.
- Report promptly all injuries by submitting an Accident/Near Miss Report regardless of how serious.
- Report promptly all injury near-miss by submitting an Accident/Near Miss Report.
- Report promptly unsafe conditions or actions to your supervisor or Human Resources, by phone or by using the online Report Unsafe Condition form.
Basic safety rules, not limited to but including the following, have been established to help make our University a safe and efficient place to work. These rules are in addition to specific departmental safety rules that must be followed when doing particular jobs or operating certain equipment. Failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action. Volunteers are expected to use good judgment when doing their work and to follow established safety rules.
- Never do anything that is unsafe in order to get the job done. If a job is unsafe, report it to your supervisor or Risk & Safety Management Committee representative. We will find a safer way to do that job.
- Do not remove or disable any safety device! Keep guards in place at all times on operating machinery.
- Never operate a piece of equipment unless you have been trained and are authorized.
- Use your personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever it is required.
- Obey all safety warning signs.
- Volunteering under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or using them while volunteering is prohibited.
- Do not bring firearms or explosives onto University property.
- Smoking is not permitted.
- Horseplay, running and fighting are prohibited.
- Clean up spills immediately.
- Replace all tools and supplies after use.
- Do not allow trash or scraps to accumulate where they will become a hazard. Good housekeeping helps prevent injuries.
State Specifics for Injury Reporting
- In the event of a death, probable death, or in-patient hospitalization, Human Resources, during business hours, or Campus Security, during weekends, evenings or holidays, will call in a report, to the proper government office, with the following information.
- Name of the work place
- Location of the incident
- Time and date of the incident
- Number of fatalities or in-patient hospitalized employees
- Names of injured employees
- Contact person and phone number
- Brief description of the incident
- Utilizing the Accident/Near-Miss Report, Accident/Near-Miss Investigation Report, and any claim form associated with the accident, Human Resources will determine whether it must be recorded on the OSHA Injury and Illness Log and Summary.
- Human Resources will enter a recordable accident within six (6) days after the university becomes aware of it.
- If the injury is not recorded on the OSHA log, Human Resources will add it to a separate incident report log which is used to record non-OSHA recordable injuries and near-misses.
- Human Resources will provide a quarterly report of injuries and investigations to the Risk & Safety Management Committee for review.
Report the death, probable death, or the in-patient hospitalization of two (2) or more employees working in Washington within eight (8) hours to the Department of Labor and Industries, Kennewick.
1-509-735-0100 or 1-800-423-7233 if unable to reach someone at the first number.
If unable to reach these offices, call 1-800-321-6742 to report directly to OSHA.
Fax and answering machine notifications are not acceptable.
Call 1-503-378-3272 to report the death or probable death of one or more employees working in Oregon to OR-OSHA.
Call 1-503-229-5910 to report the in-patient hospitalizations of two (2) or more employees working in Oregon to OR-OSHA.
If unable to reach these offices, call 1-800-321-6742 to report directly to OSHA.
Fax and answering machine notifications are not acceptable.
Call 1-800-321-6742 to report the death, probable death, or the in-patient hospitalization of two (2) or more employees working in Montana.
Fax and answering machine notifications are not acceptable.