

We strive to provide a safe home and learning environment where young people who are escaping abusive situations can come as they are and experience the healing of Christ’s love.


Unidad Educativa Eben-Ezer Bolivia (Eben-Ezer) is a boarding school and children’s home in the Bolivian jungle. It was founded in 2018 and began accepting students in the boarding school in 2019. It is a place where young people can come as they are and experience the healing of Christ’s love. They strive to provide a safe home and learning environment for those escaping situations of abuse and domestic violence. With nearly 80% of Bolivian children facing physical, psychological, and/or sexual abuse in their homes, there is a dramatic need for such safe havens.

The school is nestled in the jungle with about 60 students ages 11-19 years old, supported and taught by six to seven families serving long-term, along with short-term volunteers and student missionaries. The school year runs from February to December with a break in July. SMs can stay and continue helping during the December - February break, or they are welcome to travel, as long as they do not travel alone. Timing is flexible, but it is preferred that SMs stay for at least six months.

Quick Info

Average Fundraising Goal $5,500
Living Allowance $100 per month
Requirements 1+ years of college experience and a visa. Specific purpose visas last 6 months but must be applied for 2 months prior to arrival.
Language Spanish
Timeline Full year and semester options available. Student missionaries typically go end of July or beginning of August and come back beginning of June. The school year is from the beginning of February to the beginning of December.
Positions Assistant in areas of choice: Dorm, Kitchen or Bakery, Tech/Media, Teacher, Agriculture/Maintenance/Grounds, Office, Evangelism/Outreach, Chaplain


Student missionaries may be used to fill a variety of positions depending on our needs here and the skills and experiences of the students. Potential positions may include:


  • Assistant dean in boys/girls dorm
  • Assistant in kitchen and/or bakery
  • Assistant with technology and media projects
  • Classroom teacher
  • Assistant in agriculture, grounds, maintenance and/or carpentry
  • Assistant with secretarial work
  • Assistant to evangelism leader and/or chaplain 


More Info

Ixiamas, La Paz, Bolivia

Three meals per day will be provided on-campus during the school year. If the SM chooses to travel during breaks, they will be responsible for their housing and meals.

Fresh produce may be served from garden on campus. Traditional nutritious Bolivian food served.

Will be living with a local family or in the dormitory.

The tropical, jungle climate/environment can lend itself to certain illnesses/conditions such as Dengue Fever and Leishmaniasis. The school is equipped to manage these illnesses, should they occur, but they can be uncomfortable for the affected person. In addition, although they do have a well, some people also have stomach troubles from drinking the water and do better with drinking filtered water. A water bottle with a filter might be a good item to bring along. 

From Eben-Ezer:

"We believe that every Christian is ‘called to be a missionary and is called to the service of God and our fellow men.’ The ideal Student Missionary at Eben-Ezer will have a personal relationship with Jesus and a desire to share what He has done for them with others. They will be someone who is organized, able to be flexible and willing to help where needed, a good communicator (both oral and listening), open to learning and willing to teach that which he/she has learned, earnest, humble, selfless, devoted and committed to being a godly example to our students. 

It is our prayer that each Student Missionary who serves at Eben-Ezer will gain a deeper and broader understanding of the love and character of God through the work that they do here and the relationships that they form. Our prayer is that they will develop a desire for life-long service to God, to ‘carry on the work that Jesus had begun’ and to ‘go to the ends of the earth in order to carry the light of truth to men.’ We also hope that they will share their experiences with others and encourage them to consider serving as missionaries, as well."