Ubon Adiventist International Mission School (UAIMS) aspires to develop the moral character of each student for the advancement of Thai society, the promotion of family values, and the hope of eternal happiness.
Ubon Adiventist International Mission School (UAIMS) offers a balanced education that emphasizes academic excellence in a multi-cultural context that is Christ-centered and family-focused, makes use of cutting-edge technology and teacher concepts, and endeavors to help each student reach their full, individual potential while encouraging love and respect for others. Schools need volunteers to help in various roles each year. UAIMS specifically requests teachers and teacher's assistants to help care for and disciple students.
When volunteers are not teaching or lesson planning, they can spend their free time eating at new restaurants, going to the zoo, walking around and trying new foods from street vendors, shopping at the central mall, getting a Thai massage, getting their nails done, going to the markets, and more.
Quick Info
Average fundraising goal | $5,500 |
Living Allowance | 13,800 thai baht or $365 |
Requirements | Visa |
Language | English, Thai |
Positions | Teacher |
More Info
Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
Lunch is provided by the cafeteria every school day. While there is an abundance of Thai food, volunteers also have access to various international and western foods. There are many 7-Elevens with snacks in the area.
Volunteer housing is located off of the school campus in an apartment complex.
Some resources provided are computers, a printer, office supplies, as well as teacher's manual books for classes.
Volunteers have access to international/western food, clothes, and all necessities so they do not need to pack heavy.
A typical work day looks as follows:
- Arrive at work by 7:30 am for worship
- Flag lineup at 8:00 am
- Class
- Lunch
- Class
- Student dismissal around 3:20 pm
- Leave work by 4:30 pm